
Showing posts from January, 2020

Tressurge Hair oil

Tressurge   I consume what I do to my body mentally physically all these things such a huge effect on your hair because remember at the end of the day your hair is a protein and your hair is the least important protein in your whole body if I mentioned any videos within this video to demonstrate a point I'm gonna have those linked in the description as well as in the information bar I hope you guys are having a great day and I will see you in the next one [Music] hey guys it's Aliya and I'm back with another video so I have been getting axe from you guys so many times throughout these last like two years for me to do an updated video giving you guys tips on how to either grow your hair nice and long how to just take care of it in general a lot of you asked me for tips on. Tressurge Hair   how I keep my hair nice long and healthy with blonde hair I just get so many questions or I get so many people who just want me to do a video giving you guys tips on how to just a...